36inchesx 36inches 
91.4 cm x 91.4 cm 
Mixed media on panel 


SPAMMING discusses technology and how phone notifications and social media posts function as spam. In your email, there is a section for “spam”, which is for “irrelevant or unwanted messages sent out to a large number of people”. Thinking about spam in the context of social media, the definition is undefined. Is it the ads that pop up on our Instagrams or is it the photos being posted by friends? Isn’t every photo posted an irrelevant message sent out to a large group of people? In this case, we all send and receive spam everyday. The Hormel Foods Corporate refers to the food spam as the shoulder of pork and ham. The ham and pork are the “good” stuff and the shoulder of pork and ham is the “leftovers”. With social media, there are some things that we want to look at, which functions as the pork and ham, but the rest of media we consume functions as the shoulder or the spam. In order to get to the content we want to see, we have to rummage through the spam first. How much spam do you consume per day? How much time of your life do you spend looking at irrelevant or unwanted content? Although the amount differs from person to person, the average person spends more than 5 years of their life on social media.

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